From Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery to Community Engagement 

Dr. Riley Kirk, PhD and Dr. Miyabe Shields, PhD are both pharmaceutical scientists who specialized in the molecules in cannabis and the system in the brain and body that are activated by them, respectively. They met on TikTok in 2021, getting connected by the community as they were both creating free cannabis science education content.

Since then, Dr. Kirk and Dr. Shields have worked together researching unique formulations in cannabis smoke, writing theory and dosing protocols, and creating neurodiversity-affirming cannabis education podcasts and videos.

Our Scientific Advisory Board

  • The Dank Duchess

    Flower & Hashish Quality Expert

  • Dr. Allison Justice, PhD

    Cultivation & Post-Procesing Expert

  • Marné Garretson, MPH

    Marné Garretson, MPH

    Real-World Data Expert

  • Dr. Paloma Lehfeldt, MD

    Medical Expert

Valuing the medicine and the community in research

The research philosophy of NAP is to embrace the unknown of nature and natural products while prioritizing immediate research needs of the community.

Our current projects are focused on collecting and amplifying the lived experience of the cannabis community, the effects of chemodiversity on the endocannabinoid system, the science of smokability, and seeding science advocacy.